Monday, January 3, 2011


And like that, a new decade is upon us. It's 2011! 2011... it sounds so in-the-future-ish. This past decade was a major one, full of lots of amazing moments and memories: I graduated from university, met, fell in love with and married Steve, played some professional volleyball, lived in Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Indonesia, Greece, France, Romania, Russia and Japan (!), became a mom and mucho more. I feel like I should/want to spend a bit more time with a recap of some of my favourite memories of the decade, but it might have to wait for next time... I'm a tired momma, and don't totally feel like being on the computer on our last night in B-ville. After two amazing weeks here with Steve's parents, we are heading home. It's been great - soooo awesome - being here, but it will also be good to be home and get into a bit of a routine with Hendrik, and get some things rolling in our lives, independent of the bebe. So, a few photos - Happy New Year to all!!

Bath time! 5 weeks old
With Auntie Erin - one month...

On his new quilt from Grandma B at 5 weeks

Looking very cute in new duds from Dan and Milka - all dressed up for Bob Jr.'s 50th birthday!
Happy 50th Bob!! Awesome party put on by Pam...

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