Friday, September 5, 2014

a big week

It's been a big week around here - big things happening. I'll get to them in the order they happened, though the lunker-news comes last (I think).

Our babe is two-years old. How'd that happen? She's BIG! We had a great day - up a few times in the night to get the party started, and then a good morning with balloons and breakfast and presents. Auntie Sarah sent an orca puppet, my mom and dad gifted binoculars (they were a huge hit), and mom and dad gave the girl a book (I Like Me) and a pair of sunglasses that lasted all of six hours before an arm was ripped out of its arm-hinge. We went for a lovely morning walk around the block and I had to take off around the noon hour for an orientation to the computing lab (eek!)... so Steve got the minis fed and watered and Miss Birthday all tucked in tight for her afternoon nap. We made a special birthday trip to Costco, and we were all excited to spend lots of money on food and food and more food. "I LOVE Costco." - Hendrik. "I LOVE it here." (Why? Not sure. He doesn't even eat that many samples.) We made it home in time (NOT) for an early dinner (we're trying for an earlier evening meal time with the hopes that the kids will get to bed earlier - goal = 7:30) of chicken, beans, a tomato salad and yam fries. AND cupcakes! Kari and Maeve and Reina came over for mini-cake goodness, and brought even more gifts! Spoiled. Alana got a lovely second-hand stuffed doggy (PERFECT gift) and Steve and I received housewarming gifts; thoughtful - very! We sang happy birthday, she sort of blew out candles, we took pictures, and then tried to get everyone in bed at a reasonable time without the energy volcano + resistance... but no dice there. For some reason I'm having difficulties uploading videos here, so I'll have to transcribe Alana's birthday interview:

What's your favourite colour? PINK
What's your favourite thing to eat? BEANS (no hesitation - but then, thinking...) and cupcakes. (When I asked her with the videocamera rolling she said BEANS ... and then cheese.)
Who's your best friend? Ellie.
What are you going to be when you grow up? Alana
What's your favourite animal? Ummmm I like lions. (Surprise!)

That's me. I had my first day of classes today (why didn't anyone take a picture of me with my backpack on? Next time :)) and it went really well. It's all a bit overwhelming, the new systems, structures, expectations, content, pace etc., but I think with just three courses (and two kids and coaching and real life) it's all do-able. The big challenge for me will be maintaining a balance - something that's a challenge without academics or work, but again, I think it's something I can at last strive for (right?).

Yoiks! This was a big day for everyone - even for Alana, who wanted desperately to join Hendrik at school. Steve and I have really been on the fence about sending him away (all day!) when we don't really have to, but after two days of junior kindergarten everyone is feeling good about things. We'd done a decent job (I think) prepping him for his first day of school, and he had zero qualms (no quivery lip!) at goodbye time - he even held the door wide open for all of the other students entering the classroom for the first time. He was up and dressed by himself both yesterday and today, and even though we're not totally ready stuff-wise (he has no indoor shoes, we had to run out and buy him a lunch bag thing), our little guy seems more than ready (for now) for full days of school. We haven't been able to get much out of him in terms of what he did, whether he met any friends etc., but he's in good spirits at drop-off and pick-up and we love his teacher... so yay! Fingers crossed that all keeps running smoothly.

We're still loving life in London - hopefully we can finish getting settled this weekend and I can get into the groove of school and studies and time and resource management, and all will be well!

(House tour coming soon... stay tuned!)

1 comment:

Ms. Gloster said...

I LOVE that first-day-of-school photo of Hendrik. He looks adorable in his glasses, and I love the porch of your new home.

Miss you here, but happy you're happy there. xo
